Hmm, mau nulis blog selalu bawaannya males (banget)!!haha…Padahal banyak yang mau diceritain…hehe..
Well, bulan Januari kemarin akhirnya gw PL juga di Delfi.. Untuk aplikasi di laboratorium jujur aja gw ga terlalu dapet banyak, tapi dari kalau dilihat dari hal lain gw cukup dapet banyak hal…
Di sana gw punya pembimbing namanya Bu Ray (manager QA), Bu Ari (Supervisor QA), dan Ricky (supervisor Lab Mikro)…
First, Mrs. Ray. Actually she is kind, but she has a strange aura that can make people who meet her at the first time will stay away from her.. I had bad experience with her…Well, when she reviewed and asked me what I had got since came to that company, I answered the question badly… Even just for the simplest question like, “How is the cocoa production??”. I had many-many wrong answer on it…huff… I have never been imagine that it will gonna be a hard day in that place…lol..
Second. Mrs. Ari. She is kind too. As a QA supervisor she is very-very busy. Almost of the time she together with me, because she works in the same office with me…
Third. Mr. Ricky. He is very-very kind, the kindest man that I’ve ever met in that place.. I’m just a little bit shock when I knew that his name is Ricky. What a small world!! I’ve been met with so many Ricky since junior high school. Until now, maybe I’ve been met with 6 or 7 people whose name is Ricky. Lol.
When I entered the third week of my Praktik Lapangan, Mrs. Ray gave a small project for me. It was just a simple thing, but it hasn’t never been easy because I was placed in bagging room where there is so many guys in there. The hardest thing was because I must to swab one of the workers in there for every one hour from 7 o’clock until 3 o’clock. What a day!!! I swear, it was so boring… I didn’t do anything except sat down for a whole day and swab the worker.
At the first day I did my job, I must swab a guy whose name is Adi Achmadi.. He isn’t tall, maybe he has the same height with me. He has a slant-eye, but it helped me to find where he was. In the bagging room, every workers must use masker to prevent contamination on the product.. Can you imagine how hard to find a guy with masker on his face… It was quiet hard… But, even it was so bored, I felt a little bit lucky because every hour I swab his hand, he will show his hand to me.
On the next day I didn’t swab him again because the group of the workers was rotated. Well, on the 7th day I met with the same group which I met on the first day. This time, I felt so uncomfortable because the workers was so annoyed. Their was whistled on me. That was sucks!! When I swab another guy on that group they was said that Adi was jealous on me.. What the hell..ckckckck…
“Teteh, si Adi cemburu!!!”
One day, I heard someone sang a song. By the way, his voice isn’t too bad, actually it’s good enough. Feel curious I asked someone to know who was singing. But, it was the stupidest thing ever..
“Pa, itu siapa yang nyanyi sih??”
“Oh, itu mah si Adi. Kenapa emangnya??? Teteh suka??”
“…(speechless) Engga koq pa… Saya Cuma tanya aja abis heran dari tadi ada yang nyanyi-nyanyi tapi ga tau siapa..”
“Eh, si teteh mah.. Ga apa-apa atuh da si Adi mah masih bujang. Teteh mau kenalan??”
“hmmm…. Engga deh pa, makasih. Saya Cuma mau tau aja. (Lupa dia kalau minggu kemaren gw udah pernah ngeswab itu orang).”
“ Teh, si Adi teh dulu pernah ikutan KDI loh sampe 20 besar!!”
“ OIA???? Terus kenapa ga diterusin atuh??”
“ Modalnya abis buat SMS, Teh.”
“ Ooo, sayang ya..padahal suaranya lumayan…”
Sumpah deh ya…Penting banget itu bapa cerita tentang si Adi pernah ikut KDI…ckckck…
Keesokan harinya…
“Teteh udah punya pacar belom??”
“Belom, emang kenapa gitu pa??”
“Oh, berarti bisa atuh sama si Adi. Teteh suka sama yang kaya gimana?? Yang sipit-sipit suka ga??”
“ Saya mah cari yang putih, kalau sipit sih gpp..”
“Kalu gitu sama si Adi mau ga, Teh?? Kan si Adi sipit. Papahnya orang Jepang loh, Teh!!”
“ (omaigat…ini orang niat banget jodohin gw sama si Adi…) hehehe….ga deh pa, belom mau pacaran saya mah… Pantesan ya si Adi matanya sipit ternyata ada turunan Jepang toh..”
“wah teh, sayang ga mau yah….hehehe…
Grup yang sangat bikin emosi. Gara-gara mereka gw merasa benar-benar digojlok mental. Lengkap banget penderitaan gw, mulai dari disuit-suit, prikitiw-prikitiwan, belom bosennya, upil gw yang jadi coklat, muka jadi merong-merong, etc. lol. Tapi gw cukup kangen sama grup itu. Tau ga sih, pas hari terakhir gw ketemu sama grup itu, mereka bilang, “ Teteh, will miss you!! (sambil dadah-dadah)” hahaha. Ada-ada aja deh….^^
Yah, menurut gw sih itu pengalaman yang berharga banget.. Meskipun melewati banyak kesulitan gw banyak dapet pelajaran berharga..
Semoga laporan PL gw cepet kelar ya.. Terus bisa cepet-cepet ujian. Amin…