I was getting mad with one of my friend at that time..
Actually, it was just a simple problem..
I got mad because he bothered me in wrong time.. I did couldn’t be bothered at that time.. I just was feeling fed up with someone who I don’t really like…
Since that time, we haven’t talked each other.
Until today, maybe it has already for 2 weeks long I haven’t talked with him..
What was the problem that made me angry??
Well, I felt uncomfortable with all of his teasing.. I was not ready to be teased.. I did…
Was it my false if I had already warned him, but he didn’t get it??
When I asked that question to one of my friend, he said that it was not my false and him either..
Yea, maybe you guys don’t have enough sensitivity with what has happened around you.. And we, the girls always use too much our feeling while we are solving our problems..
The point is, can you guys be more sensitive? I do appreciate it if you can do it, even just a little..
Why?? Because I has already tried hard to use my logic when I am solving problems..
All that I want to say is, I do really hate insensitive person..
Right now, I’ve already forgiven him, but still not ready to talk with him again..
Since I haven’t talked with him again, I don’t know why, it feels more comfortable for me not to talk with him and have some quality times with my girls..
It could be happened because, since we have started our own research, we don’t have enough quality time to be shared each other.. And when I didn’t get it from them, I did get it from you, Wilson Layman..
And those quality times that I’ve ever passed by with you, was not just an ordinary escape that I passed it through because of I missed my quality time with my girls..
I do have a lot of great moments with you..
I do enjoy our chit chat, especially when you were sharing your little da*n secret
I do okay with all of your teasing, your bad voice, your dance, your bad habits, your acnes, your rude words, your mom’s yelling, and so on..
As a friend, I do can accept you, for the real you are..
I do feel so sorry if that problems really bothered you so much..
I’ve never meant that..
But, I just want you to be more sensitive at that time.. Understanding that I couldn’t be bothered at that time..
One little disruption can distract everything that you’ve tried to be built..
And it is happened to me right now..
I didn’t angry because of your words, I did angry because of you are such insensitive with the condition..
Not for your rude words.. Remember that!!
And, it wasn’t a pain in ass spending time with you..
There’s no hard feeling..
I do really want to keep our friendship work out…
I do still want to keep you as one of my best friend…
Do I still have that chance??
If I don’t, I’ll keep our best things that we’ve ever passed together and noted it down in my book…
But if I still have that chance, I am ready to have another adventure with you, and keep story goes on…