Being so busy with all of campuss life, finishing the thesis, preparing the final exam, doing some friendship things, hunting a lot of present before leaving Indo, packing all of the stuff in my boarding house (used to), packing the stuff to be used in Thailand, spending quality time with my bestiest and fam, and etc..
Actually I've almost forgotten what I did 2 moths ago..
Too much things to do, but didn't have enough time to finish it properly..
Maybe like one of my friend said that
we don't need more time, we just need to be more disciplice with our time!!
Those words can't be denied, you have to face the truth that sometimes we always complain to our Daddy that 24 hours isn't enough for us..
Having a lot of works to finish and getting busy, can pump your adrenaline.. It makes you thinking faster, creative, and deft even tho it might caused you'll gonna have bad quality sleep..
Well, it's just a preview and my point a view of little things that always happened around us..
Right now, I'm in Thailand..
Taking internship program with the others 11 peoples from my campuss...
Jeka, Icha, Jewe, Viona, Frans, Joanita, Abal, Andre, Dito, Babix, and Rian...
Here is our picture whish was taken in front of BIOTEC builiding with Miss. Papawee..
Yea, this place is one of the most favorite place in BIOTEC.
Every students who is taking internship program in here, will take a picture here..LOL...
Enough for the review, next time I'll post our trip in Thailand..*beer*..
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