Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Photograph Update!!!

Here are some photograph that I had edited for several times ago...

Well, 2 weeks ago I brought my sister's EOS 550D to Jakarta and took some photograph..

My fave is Clement's photo... I took it candid in the lab when he was working for his bloody research..LOL..When I uploaded it on FB, a lot of people said that he was tottaly handsome.. But, some of them said it with additional that I was the one who could captured it perfectly..I think it's quite hard for them to admit that Clement is naturally handsome..^^..

Until now, I'm so happy because I can capture the best photograph of him.. It's so hard for me to take good and normal picture of him.. And after I could take it, he became so narcist on yearbook's photo session..LOL.. Acctually it was good, because he could express a lot of expression that I've never seen before.. Well, I have to say that he is a photogenic  boy...haha..

So, here is the photograph...

Clement Theodorus Eugene

This picture was captured accidentally when I was trying manual focus..but it's quite good!!

The reflection was Aston Tower on Wilson Layman's Spica

Those picture was captured during karaoke time..
Looks like Adit is so talented to be a profesional singer..


What flower is it??Tell me the name if you know it ya....

Simply White

It is the St. Aloysius statue at my school...It's quite big, isnt it?

St. Aloysius

'You' from my point of view

Yesterday, one of my friend texted me to write what i like and dislike from him and give a little bit opinion how our friendship is..

So, i had writen mine, and the text bellow are his opinion about me..

Well, it's kinda so me so far...LOL

Thx for giving your opinion..i'll use it as trigger to be a better person in the coming year...^^

Like : 

*Lu bisa dibilang ga itungan orangnya.
*Bisa diajak repot2 meski terkadang kalo ud kewalahan suka ngedumel.
*Mau denger orang laen dan ga malu nanya orang laen soal persoalan pribadi yg bersifat privasi.
*Bisa percaya ama orang.
*Perhatian, care, dan bisa mengamati dengan cukup jeli.
*Tipe orang yg berusaha menjaga pertemanan meski sometimes agak goyah haha.
*Bisa kasi masukan ke gw dengan cara yg bisa diterima oleh gw.

Dislike :
*Keras kepala juga, kaek punya pegangan ndiri meski jelas2 nanya pendapat orang laen, kalo gtu ngapain nanya hahaha
*Kadang suka ngambekan jadinya suasana kurang kondusif
*Suka ngatur, itu bagus selama gak kebanyakan ngatur. Ada orang yg suka diatur karena emank blm bisa decide, tp ada juga yg kaek lu, punya pandangan ndiri dan sulit di-stir
*Kalo ud sebel ama orang kadang ga profesional, dibawa2 ke semua hal wkwkwkwk cth ama darwin
*Suka bantu, agak ga suka dibantu hahah (sama ama gw dan harus dibenerin)

Our friendship relation :
*Asik aja ngobrol ama lu tentang banyak hal, apalagi saat temen2 gw ga bisa fit in
*Masi ditahap shallow sih, cuma berhubung lu tuh tipe pengamat jadi agaknya lu ud tau lebih banyak daripada yg gw pikir lu tau
*Sampai saat ini, belum ada hal yg bener2 jadi sorotan utk diperbaiki, jadi lu masi bisa ngontrol diri lu dengan baik didepan gw, kalo gw sih mana tau pikiran lu heheheheheh
*Agaknya gw lebih berhati2 karena berusaha belajar dari my previous problems with the others dalam membina pertemanan

Nah, I guess that's all that I can think of right now. Hope it'll give you more understanding about yourself